Colossalcon has been consistently one of my favourite conventions every year. I ran into a few issues leader up to this year but the overall experience was great and I am very happy that I was able to attend. I met a lot of new people which gave me that old school con feel where everything is new again but you are also surrounded by old friends.
What a whirlwind weekend. I had a brief stint at Colossalcon this year because I had to leave early for a friend's wedding, but since this is one of my favorite cons of the year I made it happen anyway.
THURSDAY Kurumasha, Calamity, and I left by car for Sandusky at 5:30 am. The drive surprisingly didn't feel long and I didn't doze off for most of the 10hr trip (I almost always do). Instead I spent most of my time hand sewing parts of both of my costumes, including sewing my entire mermaid tail for Ursula. We made it to the Kalahari at about 4:30pm just about the time the rest of our friends were checking into our villa. We quickly got settled in then went straight to the waterpark to enjoy the slides and the hot-tubs. After catching up with some friends we settled back into our villa and then the final stages of crafting began. A special thanks to Kurumasha who helped me string and apply beads until 1 am.
I got dressed in Takane first thing in the morning in time for a shoot with M1Photo at 10am, quickly followed by shoots with Eurobeat Kasumi, and Anna Fischer. In between shoots I was running into friends and catching up with them. Then I went back to change into my second costume Ursula. Before I got dressed I helped out LunaLanie by applying her Jinx tattoos. I can't resist helping a cosplayer in need, even though I just met them. I went to shoot with Anna again and learned quickly how impractical mermaids tails are to shoot. Having bound legs really limits your poses and you are almost always in a constant state of doing sit-ups. So most of our shots consisted of me trying to look pretty while trying not to fall off a rock and flexing my abs. We'll see how they turn out. Afterwards, I had to pack it in early since it started to rain and the outdoor waterpark was closed. The rest of the day and night was spent hanging out with friends and partying. SATURDAY This was a laid back day. I spent the morning getting ready for my friend's wedding then hanging out with my housemates before going to the airport. It was hard to say goodbye since I don't see my cosplay friends often enough. The drive to the airport was quick and I breezed through security. I barely made it to the wedding on time due to delays... Thanks Air Canada. Overall, even though my visit was short, I still love Colossalcon. Here's a Vine that sums up some of the fun at Colossal. Costume write-ups and photos are coming soon. ![]() It was so much fun. So much so that I will probably forget to mention some things because it was a crazy weekend. I'll give you the short story then let the photos and the videos fill in the rest. HIGHLIGHTS: Lion cub, baby albino kangaroo, hottubing, cookouts in the suite, photoshoots galore, water slides, bonding with friends, meeting new friends, and carpool shenanigans. Photos are mostly from Saturday but I scattered them around for aesthetics reasons. Fun is the only word to describe the weekend I had at ColossalCon. Waterpark+Safari+Cosplay = AMAZING
A suite filled with lovely friends always sweetens the deal, especially if Disney sing-a-longs are involved. Here's a blog breakdown since there is so much to talk about: the Venue, the Safari, the Convention & Cosplay, and Quality time with friends. |
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