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![]() I love Anime North. It is a staple of my con schedule. I accidentally overbooked myself this year. I judged two competitions and had 3 photoshoots. As a result I took ZERO photos this year. I got to spend a grand total of one hour in the dealer's hall and artist alley but overall I still had a good time. FRIDAY We drove to Toronto and just as we arrived we had to run to the Friday Cosplay Workmanship contest to start assessing entries. It's a small competition but we had a great variety of costumes. I got to ogle at leatherwork, knit sweaters, and silicone cast hobbit's feet. SATURDAY I made the finishing touches on Five (Drakenguard) in the morning before my shoots. My sewing machine broke the night before the con. Talk about a cosplay nightmare. It finally happened. Luckily I was able to borrow a friend's machine and even though it hated me, I made it work. I got out of my hotel room at 2pm to shoot with AmaLeigh Photography. she was great and it was nice meeting her. Right afterwards, I went straight to a shoot with Don Dolce photography. After fumbling a bit with my armour and props we managed to get a few good shots. This costume was a reminder that I need to keep polishing my armour skills. I was so sore after wearing it for 3 hours. After my shoot I got changed into my Aion Bard then went straight to the masquerade to judge the stage competition. Welcome to Summoner's Rift.... err I mean the 2015 Anime North Masquerade! ![]() I would say close to half of the show was League of Legends cosplays. Luckily my knowledge of the game could be carried over to the judging table. It was a little disconcerning that there was a lack of diversity in source material. Ironically, there were very few anime or Japanese game cosplays at the masquerade and this is an Anime Convention. On the plus side, the selection of characters and skins in League means you don't see the same costumes over and over. Remember Cosplayers, if you enter a competition with a costume from a popular game/series you risk of running into identical entries. That is an awkward place to be for many cosplayers in a competition environment. Also it becomes more challenging to make your costume and performance stand out. Overall, it was a good show and deliberations were straightforward. I also got to meet Misa on Wheels, the cosplay guest of honour, because she was also a stage judge. She oozes positivity and I encourage you all to say hi to her if you get a chance to meet her. SUNDAY Sunday snoozing was followed by getting dressed in my Bard again, packing my luggage then going straight to the award ceremony. It's always a pleasure seeing all those happy faces and rewarding hard work. After we wrapped up the prizes I went to shoot with RS Photography. I had a great time shooting with him for the first because he's a funny and friendly guy. Afterwards, I did a speed run through the dealer's hall, visiting my friend Vickybunnyangel at the Cosplay Supplies booth and another friend in the artist alley. I had a great time being a staff member at Anime North this year. Ideally for next year I'll staff one event instead of two so that I have time to see my friends. I didn't get to hang out with anyone but my roommates and I feel guilty about it. ![]() Anime North is a staple in my convention schedule and it seems I get busier every year. It didn't help that I had to avoid contact lenses and put in eyedrops once an hour. As a result I don't have that many photos to post but here's a rundown of my weekend. FRIDAY I arrived in Toronto at 3 along with Cosplay Calamity after an all-nighter of working on Alicia. I went straight to the Crafter's corner to set up my table with Tamar Wolfe after getting dressed in book 2 Korra. I was a slow day. People were mostly settling. After wrapping up I went straight to working on my costume again. I even brought my sewing machine. But once 1am hit I was exhausted and I gave up on finishing the costume. SATURDAY I wore Korra again and went straight to the Crunchyroll booth to help int he morning. I had a blast and I was happy to help represent Crunchyroll at their first Canadian convention. Afterwards I had a quick photoshoot with Elevethphotograph, then back to my table for the rest of the day. The good thing about having a table is that your friends will eventually drop by, no need to search through the crowds. The afternoon was lo key. I had dinner at Milestones and celebrate good sale with a belini, yum (It's an alcoholic slushie). The rest of the night was spent doing touch-ups to Ms Fortune. SUNDAY
It was a disaster to get ready. I forgot pieces of my costume in the hotel room, the body paint was smudging and stained my shirt, my nail glue dried out. So opted to wear a trench coat version of Ms.Fortune, thankfully I brought the jacket in case I got cold. I worked the Crunchyroll booth again in the morning, followed by another shoot. The cosplay troubleshooting panel went pretty well. I'm grateful that many people showed up and the panel was full of ideas and ready to help the audiences with all their cosplay questions. I spent the last of the day manning my table then passing out in the car ride home, exhausted from the weekend. Special thanks to my awesome roomies Zacloudseth, Tamar Wolfe, Cosplay Calamity, and Thornrose, and to all my friends who dropped by and said hello. See you next year! ![]() Fire ferrets group! This was my 8th year at Anime North. There were a few hiccups but hanging out with my best cosplay friends can make anything better. I took tons of photos since I had so much free time not participating in the masquerade this year. Highlights: lineups, great costumes, the heat, fire ferrets. |
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